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Best regards
PM Times
Issue 02 2022
The newsletter of PM Group employees
in this issue…
Celebrating 25 Years in Poland
Also inside
Boston 10 Years
Category Winners
Innovation in Action
Birmingham Office
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well and that everyone enjoyed the Summer
and had a chance to take a good break. It’s hard to believe we are in
to the Autumn/Fall season already and looking to next year.
We have passed 3,600 people since our last
PM Times with our team standing at 3,651
at the beginning of October. That reflects
the fact that we continue to be busy as well
as the impact of so many fantastic new
graduates joining over the past few months.
Their energy and enthusiasm always gives
us a great boost
PM Times
Hi Everyone, I hope you are all doing well and t
PM Group’s Polish team recently celebrated this m
Celebrating 10 years in Boston PM Group’s Bosto
We are delighted to announce the launch of our ne
Innovation In Action Category Winners 2022 Con
New Idea with the Most Potential (€2,000) (Joint
Sustainability Innovation (€2,000) Kevin Gibson E
Innovation has been innovated! At PM Group i
PM Group teams have once again feat
NIBRTs Advanced Therapeutics R & D and Training F
What does sustainability mean to you? This is th
Emma is ‘Young Industrialist’ Finalist in IChemE
“Accreditation demonstrates our commitment to he
Graduates of 2022 begin their career journey Aft
‘People at Work’ A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone w
A Digital Journey Paul Hannan, Group DeLPD (Dig
Information Security We continue to expand our
The Six A’s of Laboratory Design When it comes
Football Tournament in aid of Mental Health in Od
Cork Family Day Dublin Family Day Cork Ladies
The ISPE Singapore Conference Pictured are Austi
Philadelphia Career Clothing Drive The clothi