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Best regards
Architects behind the next
generation of stadia design
Zaha Hadid Architects on using
VR to forge multiple realities
No.28 · 2019 www.leading-architects.eu
New visualisers
Japan focus
Lighting facades
What's the point?
Finding meaning in pavilion architecture
When aluminiu
are in c
m and coating
This building
grows back
Today we can build higher, stronger and lighter than ever
before with a raw material that is renewable. By using wood
in constructi
MORE THAN A GAME Architects behind th
When aluminiu are in c
m and coating oncert
This building grows back Today we can build highe
MORE THAN A GAME The architects behind a
Contents In this issue Cover story
architects are coping with global warming – and h
Blueprints H eld at the Berlin Mar
Regenerative Impact Marcy Wong Donn Logan Archite
Blueprints Interior Design Design Studio MAOOM
Public Building Andrew Bromberg at Aedas Hong Kon
Blueprints Tall Building
Residential Building – Multiple Occupancy (sponso
A perfect atmosphere... ...that ref
Company insight Smart solutions to sustainable
Builtby Construction
W ith its curved, egg-
Company insight Engineered wood structures ZÜB
Construction 0RUH WKDQ PHHWV WKHH\H The pavilion
for idling. It was only by the 1930s, with the em
practice in 2016 to develop her research agenda i
Company insight Timber-lattice supporting frame
The elongated Swatch headquarters is covered with
Company insight The right coating system for bu
Company insight is protected against corrosion
Company insight Istanbul Airport completed in r
Construction Stadium gigs
S leep Train Arena started and
arenas,” Ammundsen says. “It is about making sure
7KH ȵRRU RIWKH IXWXUH The sports game li
Company insight Floor the competition ASB, the
Special report Design for life “T
Visit Dezeen or Archdaily and you’ll be presented
Special report ‘sustainability’ has become trap
wooden markets – he says they should instead star
Regional focus The art of self-def inition Si
the radical HouseNA, which is designed to allow i
Regional focus Aerial v
Company insight The launch of a new concept for
IF YOU CAN DRAW IT Visionary architecture d
Company insight How visions come true Carlsber
Design Services rendered The successful architect
two things to me are completely different deliver
Company insight A new opportunity to create gra
Technology Back to reality In recent years
Zaha Hadid Architects 1 m cube by 1
Technology “IN VR,
Zaha Hadid Architects architecture, even in post
Company insight Form and function: ensure audio
Lighting From the visual restoratio
S ituated just south of the
VISIT US! Keflavik International Airpo
Materials Face the future On 3 October, leading a
Materials “I was there the other day and th
Company insight Highly durable interior film wi
The innovations list We delve into the latest p
6 6. The iconic Aston Martin wings are appearing
Company insight A highly competent partner for
Suppliers guide ABB ............................
Events diary Spring/summer 2020 Victor Papanek: T
www.koe-chem KÖDISPACE 4SG Warm-Edge Technology
FEEL THE DIFFERENCE Surfaces inspired by Nature I