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Best regards
Archery UK Spring copy date: 30 April 2017
UKRS North Cheshire Open Rose
Round: York, Hereford
Venue: Knutsford Sports Club,
Mereheath Lane, Knutsford, Cheshire
Contact: Melanie Foster
Tel: 0161 928 3985/07983 572819
Email: tournaments@northcheshire
Web: www.northcheshirebowmen.co.uk
UKRS Northamptonshire 1st
Caswell Trophy
Round: WA 1440, Metrics I-V, Long Metric,
Short Met
Archery UK Spring copy date: 30 April 2017
UKRS Neath Archers Open Round: York, Heref
Archery UK Spring copy date: 30 April 2017 26/0
Archery UK Winter copy date: 30 April 2017 23/
Senior Gentleman Du-Crow B Southampton