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<br /> The How Connection<br /> June 2021<br /> Company Use<br /> Excited, anxious,<br /> overwhelmed, thrilled,<br /> jealous, uneasy.<br /> These are all emotions we may be feeling. As<br /> parts of the world are beginning to ease<br /> restrictions related to COVID-19, other parts of<br /> the world are dealing with new waves of the<br /> disease and challenges with vaccine<br /> distribution.<br /> A term called languishing has emerged to<br /> describe how many are feeling these days.<br /> Languishing is defined as the lack of feeling well<br /> or having well-being. Dispirited. Not<br /> discouraged, but not feeling great.<br /> Can you relate?<br /> Company Use<br /> As we start to see countless approaches to re-opening economies,<br /> societies, and life in general, it is important to acknowledge the array<br /> of emotion that comes with a new routine.<br /> As this shift looks different for everyone, we should remember to<br /> practice compassion t<a title="JUNE-2021-How-Connection-en-EN page 1" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90787aa?page=1"> The How Connection June 2021 </a> <a title="JUNE-2021-How-Connection-en-EN page 2" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90787aa?page=2"> Excited, anxious, overwhelmed, thrilled, jealous,</a> <a title="JUNE-2021-How-Connection-en-EN page 3" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90787aa?page=3"> As we start to see countless approaches to re-ope</a> <a title="JUNE-2021-How-Connection-en-EN page 4" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90787aa?page=4"> Ways We Can Support Each Other Be </a> <a title="JUNE-2021-How-Connection-en-EN page 5" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90787aa?page=5"> The How Connection Do you like the content in th</a>