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Best regards
Clever Climbers
Bringing Learning Outdoors!
Clever Climbers
Learning through Play
Fun for Kids, Easy for You!
Little Tikes Commercial understands that children learn through play, and through play, children have fun! To make learning fun,
we have created Clever Climbers, the ultimate outdoor classroom for children ages 2 to 5 years. With over 20 different hands-on,
animal-themed activities and panels, Clever Climbers is packed with play, learning and fun!
Kids need the right environment to grow, and teachers need the right tools to maximize learning development opportunities.
Clever Climbers promotes learning-through-play by combining educational and physical activities through our project-based
learning Educational Activity Guide. This tool was developed in partnership with East Carolina University’s Child Development
experts and includes over 50 educationally-themed projects, games
Clever Climbers ™ Bringing Learning Outdoors!
Clever Climbers ™ Learning through Play Fun
Clever Activities for Clever Climbers! De
C lever Climbers ™ All In! ™
FEAturES iNCludE 1 Galaxy roof with Molded
C lever Climbers ™ Cut Loose! ™
C lever Climbers ™ Jump Start! ™
What makes Clever Climbers different? P hysical
Built-in features which encourage physical, cogni
We Make it Easy 3 Sizes, 3 Colors, 3 Mounting Opt
We Make Play Happen! FINANCING Need help fin
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