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乯te猠2022 C潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022
Corporate Governance
Color Group AS has bonds listed on a regulated market and reports its policies and practice on corporate governance
in accordance with Section 3-3b third paragraph of the Accounting Act (Norway).
Reporting on corporate governance
The company's general principles on corporate governance shall ensure an appropriate distribution of roles between
the company's owners, Board of Directors and the management of the Group. This distribution of roles shall ensure
that goals and strategies are set, that the adopted strategies are implemented in practice and that the profits achieved
are measured and followed up. The principles shall also contribute towards ensuring that the business of the company
is the subject of satisfactory control procedures. An appropriate distribution of roles and satisfactory control procedures
shall contribute to ensurin
乯te猠2022 C潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022 Corporate Governanc
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022乯te猠2022 The company's Audit
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022乯te猠2022 To the General Meeti
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠ASC潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022 side 5 Independent
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠ASC潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022 Deloitte AS Dronni
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠ASC潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022 Page 2 The M
C潬潲⁇r潵瀠ASC潬潲⁇r潵瀠䅮湵慬⁒数潲琠2022 Page 3 engag