To help all students grow
as writers, teachers need to
help each student develop
the ability to write clearly,
effectively, and correctly.
—Dr. Beverly Ann Chin
For the Love of Writing,
Build Grammar Skills
Grades 9–12
What is the Relationship Between
Writing Instruction and Grammar?
As research has shown, integrating focused grammar lessons during the
revising and editing process of writing is the most effective way to help
students become better writers.
Grammar for Writing® for Grades 9–12 provides this focused instruction
and offers abundant opportunities for students to learn, apply, and master
the conventions of standard English in their own writing.
Student Editions
Writing strategies are used throughout the writing
process. The Student Edition helps students learn
these strategies by providing an organized path to
increasingly sTo help all students grow as writers, teachers ne What is the Relationship Between Writing Instruct Annotated Teacher’s Editions The annotated Teache Online Resources to Extend Learning Teacher and