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2020 Nursing Annual Report
The University of Kansas Health System
(Page description: A light blue honeycomb pattern lies on top of a gradated darker blue. Toward the upper right corner of the page, a bright flare helps show off other varying technical looking patterns also in the design.)(Photo alt text: Brightly colored, patterned circles hang on a wall next to an open air stair case with glass walls. Below that, a large topographical map of the state of Kansas hangs on a wall in the background.)A message from our leaders | 2
Service | 4
Quality | 10
People | 16
Strategic growth | 24
Sustainability | 30
Achievements | 36
By the numbers | 46
Kansas City division performance | 47
In memoriam | 48(Photo alt text: Four nursing leaders, Kim Dixon, MSN, RN, - a middle-aged blonde woman wearing a knee-length blue dress with black heels - Tammy Peterman, MS, RN, FAAN, - a middle-aged blonde woman wearing a knee-lengt
2020 Nursing Annual Report The University of Kans
(Photo alt text: Brightly colored, patterned circl
A message from our leaders | 2 Service | 4 Quali
(Photo alt text: Four nursing leaders, Kim Dixon,
A year like no other, with a team like no other
(Page description: The word "service" overlays a g
(Photo alt text: 5 white stars lie side-by-side on
(Photo alt text: A close up of a red sign hanging
Decisive action against a global pandemic In Ma
COVID-19 hotline and Employee Support Team Not
Contact tracers Our contact tracing program was
(Page description: The word "quality" lies over a
(Photo alt text: 5 white stars lie side-by-side ov
(Photo alt text: An female nurse with her black ha
Inpatient units adopt IOS system At the beginni
IPAC leads innovation Infection Prevention and
KUCC named Press Ganey 2020 Leading Innovator C
(Page description: The word "people" lies over a g
(Photo alt text: 5 white stars lie side-by-side on
Unsung heroes on the frontline At the forefront
(Photo alt text: 2 men and 2 women - all wearing p
It takes a village to solve a complex puzzle An
Nursing Academy Fellow Lynelle Pierce, RN, FAAN
‘Lifetime DAISY’ for beloved EP nurse After 40
Press Ganey Nurse of the Year Lindsay Norris, R
(Page description: The words "strategic growth" li
(Photo alt text: 5 white stars lie side-by-side on
(Photo alt text: 3 female nurses - 2 white, 1 blac
Hiring and mentoring during a pandemic The COVI
Empowering nurses How do you elevate nursing pr
A refreshed Professional Practice Model When o
(Page description: The word "sustainability" lies
(Photo alt text: 5 white stars lie side-by-side on
(Photo alt text: Niki King, RN, sits in a chair lo
Staying one step ahead Always stay one step ahe
Random Acts of Kindness With COVID-19 significa
Taking care of our own Taking care of our staff
(Page description: The word "2020" lies on top of
2020 National nursing certifications ACHPN – Adv
CCRN – Critical Care Registered Nurse Carra Abbot
Matthew Struempler, RN Betsy Wagner, RN CCRP –
CNSC – Certified Nutrition Support Clinician Pegg
EMT – Emergency Medical Technician Victor Downing
Mary Dinges, RN Tracy Dobbie, RN Kathleen Fendle
PNP-BC – Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Board Certifi
Nursing awards 2020 Excellence Awards Winners
(Photo alt text: 8 nurses - 7 dressed in all red,
Fiscal year 2020 Kansas City area locations 10
Magnet® In 2006, The University of Kansas Hospita
Dana Boyle, RN Cardiovascular Medicine, Heart Rhy
(Page description: A dark blue gradated page.)
The University of Kansas Health System 913-588-12