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Level H
Read the following passage, taking note of the boldface words and their contexts.
These words are among those you will be studying in Unit 4. As you complete the
exercises in this unit, it may help to refer to the way the words are used below.
Putting Social Media in Perspective
Rhiannon Marsh, Washington, DC,
November 1, 2012
Distinguished guests and fellow media
enthusiasts, I am honored to speak
with you today at this first-ever Modern
Media Forum.
When the Philippine Congress voted to
ignore evidence that threatened to secure
the impeachment of the Philippine
president in 2001, angry Filipinos poured
into the streets to protest. That protest
was arranged, in part, by text messages
exchanged among ordinary citizens,
perhaps a million of whom gathered in the
capital. I
UNIT 4 Read the following passage, taking note of
Above: Ukrainians celebrate the first anniversary
SadlierConnect.com: audio program
7. divination (div ə nā’ shən) 8. elixi
14. mnemonic (ni mon’ ik) 15. obloq
4 Choosing the Select the boldface word that b
16. I have listened to them state that the presen
4 Ch
11. This short sentence will serve as a(n)
Vocabulary The following excerpts are from Henr
REVIEW UNITS 4–6 SadlierConnect.com: T
(85) twentieth century’s writers and as
REVIEW UNITS 4–6 SadlierConnect.com: T
ran the gamut from the peaks of
2. folderol 6. bilious 10. corollary WORD STUD
Expressing the Connotation Read each sentence. Se
er would not wash her hair, the mother ess is nex
Classical Roots gen— race, kind, class; origi
Vocabulary Workshop® Tools for Excellence Grades