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<br /> 26.1.23/522<br /> realdeals.eu.com<br /> DATA HUB MARKET TRACKER: Q4 2022<br /> Substantial drop in annual market value<br /> eclipses solid year for PE deal flow<br /> The European PE and VC market recorded a solid year in pure deal flow terms,<br /> but the fact that investors were able to deploy considerably less capital than in 2021<br /> serves to highlight the difficult investment conditions. Julian Longhurst reports.<br /> Market overview<br /> According to the latest figures from Real Deals’ Data<br /> Hub, a modest fall in the number of buyouts recorded<br /> in the final three months of 2022 was offset by strong<br /> activity in the growth and venture spaces. But the<br /> picture is different in terms of the value of deals<br /> announced: the final quarter saw deals worth an<br /> estimated €37.2bn – almost half that seen in Q1 and<br /> well below the Q1-Q3 average of €65.5bn.<br /> This pattern is strongly reflected in the full-year<br<a title="012-015_RD522_QMT page 1" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/bc1a9239?page=1"> 26.1.23/522 realdeals.eu.com DATA HUB MARKET TRA</a> <a title="012-015_RD522_QMT page 2" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/bc1a9239?page=2"> Deal flow by size bracket Volume of deals by quart</a> <a title="012-015_RD522_QMT page 3" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/bc1a9239?page=3"> 600 800 1000 Deal flow by sector Vo</a> <a title="012-015_RD522_QMT page 4" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/bc1a9239?page=4"> European exit activity Quarterly volume and FY20</a>