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You are on a journey to continue to grow as a
disciple of Jesus Christ. You can strengthen your
Catholic Identity through these new features:
Catholic Identity Retreats
Celebrating Ca
Identity: CREEic
Jesus Christ, the Son of G
GPoadrt 1 I Open My Heart od
lpoevoep. ltJehe.esSuFosahitsheetshrewnStaohnitseodSfotGnoo,sdJh.eoswush, itso lsohvoewfohrias
Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.
Imagineotuhast you visited the baby Jesus. What
woulrde.yThenasyhanred wdoh? Add yourself to the
and doing when you at you imagined say
visited Jesus. ing
Grade 1 Retreat
3081-8_SE1P : CREED
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a dis
Contents Introductory Chapter ..................
We Are Followers of Jesus ...............73 8 J
We Belong to the Church ............... 129 15 W
We Celebrate and Live Our Faith .................
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Se
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Serving
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Serving
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Serving
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Serving
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Serving
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY B ringi
Celebrating Catholic Identity: MORALITY Why We B
Let us show our thanks to God by singing
God created the world. The word create means “to
God created all people. God wanted to share his l
God gives us special gifts. We can do many things
God promises to love us always. God our Father lo
Grade 1 Chapter 1 PROJECT Match the
DISCIPLE Think about God's gifts of people, p
Grade 1 Chapter 1 CHAPTER TEST Circle the correc
Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasti
The Church celebrates the life and teachings of J
We hear wonderful stories about · Jesus' teaching
Saints are followers of Jesus who loved him very
Leader: We are all children of God. On All S
Grade 1 Ordinary Time PROJECT DISCIPLE Trace th
I n this section, you will find question
Q: What is the Gospel? A: The Gospel is the
Resources for the Family I n this
Spirituality and Your First-Grade Child Y
CREED Jesus Christ, the Son of God Jesus is God
LITURGY & SACRAMENTS The Power of Grace How do
MORALITY A Roadmap to Happiness What makes your
PRAYER Praying the Rosary The Rosary is among t
™ Thank you for viewing this sample of Gra
ISBN 978-0-8215-3081-8 90000 9 780821