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Best regards
YEAR IN REVIEW 2021Intentionally blankA message from our leaders 2
Fourth Consecutive Magnet® Designation 4
Service 8
Quality 14
People 20
Strategic growth 26
Sustainability 32
Achievements 38
By the numbers 49
Kansas City Division performance 51
In memoriam 52Gail Schuetz, MSN, APRN, assistant chief nursing officer, Inpatient – Kansas City Division;
Kim Dixon, MSN, RN, assistant chief nursing officer, Ambulatory – Kansas City Division;
Tammy Peterman, MS, RN, FAAN, president,
Intentionally blank
A message from our leaders
Gail Schuetz, MSN, APRN, assistant chief nursing o
Reflecting on 2021 fills me with gratitude and admir
Intentionally blank
Staff gathered on the Main Campus in Kansas City –
MAGNET4-EVER PROUD! The University of Kansas Heal
Intentionally blank 8
We will establish and maintain The University of K
Martin Vaca receives a vaccination from Anita Oxle
While COVID-19 cases surged in our community, new
Nurses on our Main Campus in Kansas City made hist
Care, compassion and community Our case manager
Intentionally blank 14
We will establish and maintain The University of
(Photo) Mindy Stites, APRN, clinical nurse spec
As a Magnet®-designated organization, our nurses a
Several months ago, Christina Hammack, RN, who pro
Reducing HAPIs: A successful intervention for spin
Intentionally blank 20
We will establish and maintain The University of K
Spider-Man is known for several qualities, includi
(Photo) Casey Pickering, RN, BH65 nurse manager,
For patients facing cancer, it’s important to have
Nurses in Neuroscience and the ENT ICU acted swift
We will expand and sustain nationally recognized c
(Photo) Madi Cole, RN, unit coordinator, CA 10
It was an exciting and hopeful time as Cambridge T
Nurses on Labor and Delivery (BH 54) experienced r
DART targets patients who have difficult airways
We will generate the resources (human, financial, t
(Photo) Amygayle Schorgl, RN, is among our fron
Of the many healthcare professionals who have sacr
Our nursing education experts have spent several
Now more than ever, mental and physical health are
ACHPN – Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative N
CCRN – Critical Care Registered Nurse Carra Abbot
Mark Gagliardi, RN Kristina Genton, RN Katherine
Lindsey Johnson, RN Angela Kerns, RN Sheri Kille
Laura Heyn, RN Linda Kurtz, RN Anna Langer, RN
NREMT – National Registry of Emergency Medical Te
Lindsey Thielman, RN Kylee Thomas, RN Kera Thomp
Expert Clinical Nurse Jody Peterlin, RN Expert
• The KC Pet Project on Feb. 25, 2022, unleashed s
(Graphic image) 49
Kansas City area locations 100+ hospital and c
Magnet® In 2006, The University of Kansas Hospi
Susan Clemmons, RN Strawberry Hill Ca
913-588-1227 | KansasHealthSystem.com 54