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Best regards
Electric Linear Actuators,
Hydraulic Systems &
Manual Operation:
Important Criteria for Selecting Suitable
Motion Technologies for OEM Applications
This eBook explains key considerations that impact
the selection of motion devices for OEM designs. The
suitability of electric linear actuators, hydraulics systems,
and manual operation overlaps in many applications.
Understanding key considerations aids engineers in
the selection of the most appropriate solution.
Randy Bowman
TECHLINE Market Manager
Louisville, KY
EleScetcrtiicoLnin?e?a: r Actuators, Hydraulic Cylinders & Manual Options:
Im?p?o?r?tatkntkCtriteria for Selecting Suitable Technologies for OEM Applications
Table of Contents
Section One:
Basic Guidelines for Selection
of a Moti
Electric Linear Actuators, Hydraulic Systems & Ma
EleScetcrtiicoLnin?e?a: r Actuators, Hydraulic Cy
Section One: Basic Guidelines for Selection of a
Section One: Basic Guidelines for Selection of a
Section Two: Basic Speciļ¬cation 5 Section Two:
Section Two: Basic Speciļ¬cation 6
Section Three: Performance Requirements 7 Sect
Section Three: Performance Requirements 8
Section Three: Performance Requirements 9
Section Four: Controlling the Application 10 Se
Section Five: Standards and Safety 11 Section F
Section Five: Standards and Safety
Section Six: Economic Factors 13 Section Six: E
Section Seven: Conclusion 14 Section Seven: Con