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Best regards
The University of Kansas Health System
Acute Rehabilitation Care
Upscale private rooms
Throughout the pandemic, The University of Kansas Health System has closely followed CDC guidelines.
As they change, we change. Photos reflect the safety guidelines current at the time they were taken.
Large, spa-like bathrooms in each patient room
Throughout the pandemic, The University of Kansas Health System has closely followed CDC guidelines.
As they change, we change. Photos reflect the safety guidelines current at the time they were taken.
State-of-the-art rehabilitation gym with advanced
equipment and inspiring views of the campus
Throughout the pandemic, The University of Kansas Health System has closely followed CDC guidelines.
As they change, we change. Photos reflect the safety guidelines current at the time they were taken.
Highly trained staff who use state-of-the-art
Welcome The University of Kansas Health System Ac
Upscale private rooms Throughout the pandemic,
Large, spa-like bathrooms in each patient room
State-of-the-art rehabilitation gym with advanced
Highly trained staff who use state-of-the-art tech
Transitional apartment that allows patients the o
Modern, bright and light environment that promote
Our program provides comprehensive, tailored care
Comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team
Regionally and nationally, our program continuall
The University of Kansas Health System