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Best regards
University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy & Practice
Annual Fund
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
I used to love reading ChooseYour Own Adventure books as a kid. I’d read each one
over and over until I’d exhausted every possibility, often backtracking to choose a
different option if the choice I made wasn’t as fruitful as I’d hoped. Each day we’re
presented with more choices than we even realize: the choice to return to school,
the choice to work for social good, the choice to give back. At some point in the last
year, you chose generosity, and in doing so, widened the realm of possibilities for the
students and faculty at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice (SP2).
On behalf of the School, it is my pleasure to present the 2022 SP2 Annual Fund
Honor Roll.This year, you are one of 568 donors who gave a total of $229,742 to
the SP2 Annual Fu
University of Pennsylvania School of Social
Choice I used to love reading ChooseYour Own Adv
CORNERSTONE CLUB The Cornerstone Club recognizes
Bart J. Miltenberger, CGS ‘97 Arthur F. Moffa II
First Time Donors (continued) Caroline Fenkel, GR
Ginneh L. Akbar GRS ‘12 Renee Albert, SW ‘90 Hasa
Donors to the SP2 Annual Fund (continued) Ruixin
. Susan B. Freed Mona L. Freedman, CGS ‘06 Willia
Donors to the SP2 Annual Fund (continued) Marilyn
Elizabeth Moodie McGuffee, SPP ‘22 Michele Gill M
Donors to the SP2 Annual Fund (continued) Mark E.
Eric Teutsch Carrita Thomas Kiara Jazmene Thomas,
Thank you again for your contribution to the Sch