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Best regards
Save the Date
July 28–29, 2024
Pictures from this year’s
event can be accessed via
Dear friends,
Dear Friends,
This year’s Federated Challenge® was nothing short of
remarkable! We raised an incredible, record-breaking $4,012,000
in support of youth mentoring, enjoyed the magnificent
Hazeltine National Golf Course, and saw firsthand the lasting
impact Big Brothers Big Sisters® makes on young people. Your
inspiring generosity and passion for this cause creates a positive
ripple effect, leading to big possibilities and bright futures for our
next generation.
I am so thankful to count you among the amazing community
of leaders who rally behind the Federated Challenge each year. Please enjoy a look back at our
time together and mark your calendar for 2024!
Jeff Fetters
2023 possibilities futures
Save the Date July 28–29, 2024
Dear friends, Dear Friends, This year’s Federat
2023 Honoree Greg Jones Greg Jones – Senior Vice
Past Honorees Past honorees, a
Speakers Artis Stevens President and CEO of Big
Federated Challenge Scholarship Program
Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors The McGuire F
Additional Valued Supporters +
to Our Champion Sponsor Sit Inve
to Our Sentinel Sponsor Bristol Deve
Holborn® t employee-ow firm. By suc
to Our Sentinel Sponsor The Min
make a difference Its partnership is a shining e
to Our Premier Sponsor Hartford
to Our Premier Sponsor The Minnesota United
to Our Premier Sponsor S
to Our Premier Sponsor The McGuire Family
To see the passion and energy that surrounds this
Seeing the Bigs and Littles sharing these mom
Knowing what Big Brothers Big Sisters does
This annual event makes such a difference. It’
The Federated Challenge shows us what is impo
This is a life-giving event that is on my c
Golf Program Highlights Minnesota Timberwolves
First Place (-13) First Place (-5)* (9 h
Thank you for making possibilities bigge
See you next year on July 28–29, 2024, at the