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You are on a journey to continue to grow as a disciple of
Jesus Christ. You can strengthen your Catholic Identity through
these new features:
Catholic Identity: Retreats
provide time for you to reflect on
what it means to be a Catholic.
There are four retreats in
your book.
Celebrating Catholic Identity:
ringing the
Salvation e
Retreat Recap
Review the pages of
Identity: Creed retrea your child's Celebratin
the retreat. Talk about. Ask your child to t g Cathol
Salvation is the forgt salvation: ell you about
of friendship with G iven s and the re
ess of sin
od. storing
God never stops lovi
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a dis
Contents Introductory Chapter .................
The Commandments Help Us to Love God.............
The Commandments Help Us to Love Others .........
We Are Called to Holiness............. 185 22 Th
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Salva
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Salvation P
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED “For God
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Salvation P
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Salvation P
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Salvation P
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Bringing t
Celebrating Catholic Identity: CREED Why We Be
Leader: Let us listen to a reading from
God calls his people. In the Old Testament we lea
In this covenant God promised to protect his peop
Jesus teaches us about God’s Law. God loved his p
We are called to respect the human dignity of all
Grade 4 Chapter 8 PROJECT To find the
DISCIPLE God calls us to respect everyone's
Grade 4 Chapter 8 CHAPTER TEST Circle the correc
“For I put water in the desert and rivers
Lent is the season of preparation for Easter.
How will you make Lent a time of simple l
Saint Joseph In many countries around the world,
Leader: The Lord calls us to days of penance and
Grade 4 Lent PROJECT DISCIPLE In the letter
I n this section, you will find question
Q: What is modesty? A: Modesty is a virtue
Resources for the Family I n this secti
Spirituality and Your Fourth-Grade Child
Creed everlasting Life S alvation was the them
LITURGY & SACRAMENTS Mass, Confession, and Our
Passage Title Titles are sometimes added to show
PRAYER What Is a Novena? H ave you ever prayed
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ISBN 978-0-8215-3084-9 90000 9 780821