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You are on a journey to continue to grow as a disciple of
Jesus Christ. You can strengthen your Catholic Identity through
is greeting the f
aithful gathe
red for praye
3085-6_SE5P_0R17 17
these new features:
Catholic Identity: Retreats
provide time for you to reflect on
what it means to be a Catholic.
There are four retreats in
your book.
Celebrating Catholic Identity:
Celebrating Catho
Identity: lic
The ssed Trinity
WPeabretl 1 I Open My Heart
ieve in t
, God thehSeoBlessed Trinity—God the
Imagine that you arne, and God the Holy Spirit.
ar blog. famous art cri
You are on a journey to continue to grow as a dis
Contents Introductory Chapter ...................
Confirmation and Eucharist Complete Our Initiatio
The Sacraments of Healing Restore Us.............
We Love and Serve As Jesus Did ..................
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & S
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Celebrating Catholic Identity: LITURGY & SACRAMEN
Leader: Let us remember that Jesus is
Confirmation In Confirmation we are sealed with
The Sacraments of Healing are Penance and Reconci
The bishops are the successors of the Apostles. T
Grade 5 Chapter 3 PROJECT Using the clues, u
DISCIPLE The Seven Sacraments are the most im
Grade 5 Chapter 3 CHAPTER TEST Write True or Fal
“Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from
The Easter Triduum is our greatest celebration of
We do not actually end this liturgy. After everyo
Holy Saturday During the day we spend time thin
Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be wit
Grade 5 Triduum PROJECT DISCIPLE Complete the
I n this section, you will find questions
Q: What are ways we can listen to God’s call to o
Resources for the Family I n this secti
Spirituality and Your Fifth-Grade Child
CREED One God, Three Persons I f your family w
LITURGY & SACRAMENTS A Church in the Home T al
MORALITY Living with Dignity R eview with your
PRAYER Practicing Devotions D oes anyone in yo
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ISBN 978-0-8215-3085-6 90000 9 780821