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Grammar Workshop
Level Orange
Note to Students 7
Lesson 1 Kinds of Sentences • Write Your Own 8
Lesson 2 Complete Subjects and Predicates • Write Your Own 12
Lesson 3 Simple Subjects • Combining Sentences 16
Lesson 4 Simple Predicates • Combining Sentences 20
Lesson 5 Compound Sentences • Combining Sentences 24
Lesson 6 Complex Sentences • Write Your Own 28
Lesson 7 Correcting Fragments and Run-ons • Revising Sentences 32
Unit 1 Review 36
Unit 1 Grammar for Writing
SADLIER Grammar Workshop Level Orange
CONTENTS Note to Students
UNIT 3 Verbs Lesson 12 Action Verbs • Write Your
Lesson 28 Comparing with More and Most • Write Y
UNIT 6 Capitalization, punCtuatio
Lesson 30: Adverbs L EARN ■ An adverb is a word
PRACTICE A continued 6. Aunt Sonia often inte
C Write an adverb to complete each
W RITE Additional Resources at SadlierConnect.com
TIP Grammar for Writing Remember, you can
WRITE ABOUT IT Write an essay telling your opinio
Give Your Students the Tools They Need