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Launch a Literacy Journey!
A great companion for From Phonics to Reading™, Grade K!
Alpha Mnemonic Board Book Knowledge-Building Alphabet Books
Start building knowledge and enhancing children's
understanding of letters and sounds with the
NEW! Sadlier Early Literacy Library!
Foster early reading readiness skills with:
· 10 engaging knowledge-building alphabet books,
each introducing all letters, A–Z
· An alpha mnemonic board book to leverage
memorable associations with letters and sounds
· Teaching support online to effectively integrate
each book
ABC Picture Pals Letter-Sound Mnemon
NEW! Launch a Literacy Journey! A great companion
ABC Picture Pals Routines Introduce Alphabet Lett
Aa Apple ABC Picture Pals - formato 8.indd 2
Bb Bee ABC Picture Pal
Cc Cat
Animals Read #1: Read for Enjoyment ANIMALS Th
Ee ph e a l e n t g . i B e e l t l
Ff h. s i f g B is i f h e . l t t
Gg t. a o g g i B We call a little goat a
Ii Isabella itches. You can do it - forma
Jj Jackson jumps. You can do it - formato
Kk Kwame kicks carefully. You can do it -
Ll Liam licks a lollipop. You can do it -
A mountain goat lives on a mountain, climbing
A narwhal lives in the ocean, and uses its tusk—a
An octopus lives in the ocean too
It lives near the icy North Pole, where pol
Spring raincoat and rainboots Season - f
singing in the rain Season - formato 8.indd 21
Summer trees for shade Season - formato
Uu lining up The
Vv very fun day The ABCs Go to School - fo
Xx exiting
ebra Zz
ambulance Aa
butterfly W e can u e a magn y ng g a o e am
cat Cc
dinosaur D no au ed ong ago and a e now e n
Ff fire station around t
Hh around th
2 3 1 I 1.
jellyfish 2 J
1 2 1 kite 2 Kk
ladder 1 L pull down and sl
Mm 6 glasses of milk 66089 all a
Nn 7 bowls of noodles 66089 all
Oo 8 olives 66089 all abou
Pp 9 pumpkins 66089 all about
Qq Be quick to clean up a spill o
Rr Ride bikes with your family and fri
Ss Get plenty of sleep. Goodnight
Tt Brush your teeth after every mea