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<br /> 2011 ANNUAL REPORT<br /> elite<br /> E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H L E A D E R S H I P, I N N O V A T I O N A N D T E A C H I N G E X P E R I E N T I A L L Y<br /> SYKES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS<br /> A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN<br /> Dear Friends and Supporters,<br /> Welcome to our inaugural annual report for the 2010-2011 academic year. This new<br /> tradition was inspired by last year’s 10 year anniversary “Silver Edition,” published in<br /> recognition of our officially becoming the Sykes College of Business.<br /> The school has experienced significant growth in recent years, both in numbers and in<br /> our stature as one of the nation’s elite programs for business education. In my four<br /> short years as dean, our faculty has grown and our research has become more focused.<br /> The quality of our services and level of student involvement have also evolved to a<br /> point at which an annual report is necessary to keep our valued colleagues, alumni,<br /> f<a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 1" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=1"> 2011 ANNUAL REPORT elite E X C E L L E N C E T H </a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 2" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=2"> A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Dear Friends and S</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 3" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=3"> SECURING OUR STATURE One of the Elite Business </a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 4" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=4"> ORGANIZATIONS AT UT Enriching Campus Life The A</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 5" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=5"> “As vice president of UT GOLD one semester, I got</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 6" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=6"> CENTERS AT UT Where the Business Community Comes </a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 7" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=7"> Center for Ethics Instilling the vision and valu</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 8" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=8"> CENTERS AT UT Where the Business Community Comes </a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 9" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=9"> Naimoli Institute for Business Strategy The Naim</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 10" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=10"> DYNAMIC PROGRAMS New Thinking, New Opportunities </a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 11" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=11"> Nonprofit Management Program UT’s Nonprofit Mana</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 12" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=12"> EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION 2010-2011 Highlights Und</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 13" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=13"> Message from the Associate Dean At the Sykes Col</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 14" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=14"> AWARDS & ACCOLADES A Year of Remarkable Achieveme</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 15" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=15"> Service of the Year Dean Koutroumanis, assistant</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 16" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=16"> ATTRACTING TOP FACULTY Sykes Welcomes 10 New Scho</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 17" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=17"> Christine Harrington Randall Rentfro Walter Smith</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 18" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=18"> SCHOLARSHIP Selected Faculty Publications Alho</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 19" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=19"> Stinespring, J. (2011) “Dynamic Scoring, Tax Evas</a> <a title="COB-AnnualReport-2011 page 20" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/85bfc879?page=20"> Sykes College of Business 401 W. Kennedy Blvd | B</a>