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Best regards
From Phonics to Reading
Wiley Blevins, EdD
Grade K/Level K
Dear Teacher,
ach school year, you are presented with
the awesome task of teaching children to
read. You have to make key decisions
become skilled readers, children must be able
to identify words quickly and accurately. To do
words. Decoding words involves converting
the printed word into spoken language. A
reader decodes a word by sounding it out,
using context clues, using structural analysis,
or recognizing the word by sight. In order to sound out words, a reader must
this relationship between sounds and their spellings. Mastery of these skills
allows students to transfer them to new words while reading and writing.
For over thirty years, I have studied and explored phonics, how it is taught,
and the common obstacles that stand in the way of teachers deliv
From Phonics to Reading Wiley Blevins, EdD Grade
Dear Teacher, E ach school year, you
Seven Characteristics of Strong Phoni
Program Overview From Phonics to Reading: • follo
Take-Home Book Picture Cards A R E S n a
Grade K, Level K
Grade 2, Level B Grade 3, Level C Phon
Day 1 Implementing From Phonics to Reading From
Learn and Blend Directions: Listen and join in.
Lesson 7 · Day 1 3. High-Frequency Words
Day 2 1. Phonemic Awareness 5 MI
93 Fold
Lesson 7 · Day 2 4. Read Connected Text
Trace and Write Directions: Trace and write the
Day 3 1. Phonemic Awareness 5 MIN Chil
Lesson 7 · Day 3 Short i OBJECTIVES ■ ■ ■
Trace, Write, and Build Directions: Trace and wr
Day 4 1. Phonemic Awareness 5 MIN Children
Lesson 7 · Day 41 Short i OBJECTIVES ■ ■
Read and Write Directions: Say the picture name.
Lesson 7 · Day 41 6. Read Connected Text
Day 5 1. Phonemic Awareness 5 MIN Children
Write About It Directions: Read “Big and Little”
Lesson 7 · Day 5 PROGRESS CHECK ■ 5. Cumulat
From Phonics to Reading, Level K lessons also con
Intervention Many ideas and techniques for meeti
A Fresh A pproach to the F