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Security in 60 Seconds
May 2020
Practice Pausing to Help Avoid
Phishing Attacks
When to Report an
Information Security Incident
What Would You Do? Test Your
Cybersecure Knowledge!
Practice Pausing to Help Avoid Phishing Attacks
It can be hard to read an urgent email or message and not have a strong emotional response. That’s what
phishers are counting on when sending messages related to current events or sales offers; that you will
react before you pause. To help avoid a reaction that may open you or the company to an attack, practice
pausing and ask:
How did you get my contact information?
Whether it’s a professional association, a local charity, or a business, question how your information got to
the sender. If you
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Practice Pausing to Help Avoid Phishing Attacks
Practice Pausing to Help Avoid Phishing Attacks
Practice Pausing to Help Avoid Phishing Attacks
养成暂停的习惯,避免网络 钓鱼攻击 何时报告信息安全事件 您会做什么?网络安全知识 测
养成暂停的习惯,避免网络 钓鱼攻击 何时报告信息安全事件 您会做什么?网络安全知识 测
与我们联系 Security.deere.com Yammer
Machen Sie Pause, um Phishing- Angriffen vorzubeu
Machen Sie Pause, um Phishing- Angriffen vorzubeu
Machen Sie Pause, um Phishing- Angriffen vorzubeu
Practique el Hábito de Hacer una Pausa para Ayuda
Practique el Hábito de Hacer una Pausa para Ayuda
Practique el Hábito de Hacer una Pausa para Ayuda
Pour lutter contre les tentatives d’hameçonnage,
Pour lutter contre les tentatives d’hameçonnage,
Pour lutter contre les tentatives d’hameçonnage,
Faça uma pausa para ajudar a evitar ataques de ph
Faça uma pausa para ajudar a evitar ataques de ph
Faça uma pausa para ajudar a evitar ataques de ph