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Best regards
The no-power way
to empower play
AquaSmart® Packages
Powered by
Choose from several ready-to-install
splash pad packages featuring HydroLogix.
It puts kids in control of all the fun.
Save money, ener
packages offer an
faster than ever b
These thrilling s
The proprietary te
HydroLogix elimin
you can place one
prohibitive or unw
water consumptio
mechanical room
AquaSmart Pac
Add one next to a
facilities and com
maintenance. Eac
can simply choos
Package comes w
instructions for ini
U.S. Patent number
aSmart® Packages
gy, power and space with the AquaSmart Packages. These compact and affordable splash play
y community the opportunity to create a fun and engaging splash pad. Installation is easier and
AquaSmart® Packages The no-power way to empower
AquaSmart® Packages Powered by Choose
D Aqu Save money, ener packages offer an faster
AquaSmart® Package A Play is the name of the gam
aquatix.playlsi.com 5
6 888.438.6574
AquaSmart® Package B An oversized garden invite
AquaSmart® Package C Pair imaginative hands-on w
aquatix.playlsi.com 9
AquaSmart® Package A A
aquatix.playlsi.com 11
AquaSmart® Package D Natural elements provide de
aquatix.playlsi.com 13
14 888.438.6574
AquaSmart® Package E Water splashes and sprays
AquaSmart® Package F A subtle setting packs the
aquatix.playlsi.com 17
AquaSmart® Package D Aq
aquatix.playlsi.com 19
20 888.438.6574
AquaSmart® Package G This sculptural design pre
AquaSmart® Package H Kids can explore a geometri
aquatix.playlsi.com 23
AquaSmart® Package G
aquatix.playlsi.com 25
26 888.438.6574
AquaSmart® Package I Make a splash with this pa
AquaSmart® Package J Art installation or splash
aquatix.playlsi.com 29
AquaSmart® Package I
aquatix.playlsi.com 31
32 888.438.6574
AquaSmart® Package K Two HydroLogix® systems he
AquaSmart® Package L The inclusion of two HydroL
aquatix.playlsi.com 35
AquaSmart® Package K
aquatix.playlsi.com 37
1101 McKinley Parkway Delano, MN 55328-8605 888.4