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ChaPTEr 1 The Writing Process ........................................... 8
Lesson 1.1 Prewriting: Gathering Ideas................................................ 9
Lesson 1.2 Organizing the Ideas and Drafting .................................. 13
Lesson 1.3 Revising ........................................................................... 15
Lesson 1.4 Editing and Proofreading ................................................. 18
ChaPTEr 2 Writing Effective Paragraphs and Essays .......... 20
Lesson 2.1 Ideas and Unity................................................................ 21
Lesson 2.2 Elaborating with Supporting Details................................. 23
Lesson 2.3 Organization and Coherence........................................... 25
Lesson 2.4 Types of Paragraphs .......................................................... 28
* Lesson 5.5 Adverbs.............................
* Lesson 9.4 Verb Tense .........................
Lesson 13.5 Other Comma Uses .............
CHAPTER 2 Composition Writing Effective Paragra
Ideas and Unity ➠ Paragraphs that inform, explai
Ideas and Unity Writing Model Second example
Elaborating with Supporting Details ➠ Elaboratio
Elaborating with Supporting Details 6Third, it h
Organization and Coherence ➠ When a paragraph is
Organization Coherence Alert reader to
Organization and Coherence States in 1783. 4He w
Lesson 2.4 CompositionTypes of Paragraphs Most pa
Types of Paragraphs Event 1 Specific detail
Types of Paragraphs Persuasive When you are try
Writing Expository Essays Lesso
Writing Expository Essays Body In the body of y