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Best regards
Acting quickly
saves lives
NSC First Aid Training
A nationally recognized program that exceeds OSHA first aid best practices
Preventable work deaths rose 5% in 20221
totaling 4,695 people. Those were fathers
and mothers, wives and husbands,
daughters, sons and friends who
left for work and were never
seen alive again. Take steps
now to make first aid training
available and prepare
for medical emergencies.
1 InjuryFacts.nsc.org
First Aid – EVERY second counts!
In an emergency, someone who is not breathing
can suffer brain damage in just 4 minutes, and
brain death in just 8 to 10 minutes. EMS could take
10 minutes or more to arrive.
That’s why it is critical to have on-site employees trained
in first aid to respond quickly. In fact, OSHA requires it if
you’re not near a health clinic or hospital.
Acting quickly saves lives NSC First
First Aid – EVERY second counts! In an emergency
Be prepared to respond quickly in an emergency N
Provide employees with life-saving training NSC
Act quickly in emergencies NSC CPR & AED Surviva
Train on-staff responders to address emergencies
Get a firm grasp of the critical fundamentals NS
Ensure safety and compliance NSC Bloodborne & Ai
Solutions for all your workplace needs NSC First
Be prepared for pediatric emergencies NSC Pediat
Develop First Aid instructors to teach lifesaving
1121 Spring Lake Drive Itasca, IL 60143-3201 Se