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ETF Market Trends
And 2020 Outlook
Lead media
partner of
Dividend Dogs ETF (RDOG)
A New Equally-Weighted REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)
Strategy Based on the Five Highest Yielders within Nine REIT Segments.
ALPS Advisors, Inc. is always evolving our products to provide investors
with unique strategies to suit their needs. RDOG intends to provide investors
with equal exposure to the five highest yielding REITS (“Dividend Dogs”) within
nine equally-weighted REIT segments as determined by S-Network, the index
provider. This approach excludes mortgage REITs and helps to smooth REIT volatility
and segment biases, in addition to offering low overlap with major U.S. REIT indices.
An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a
prospectus, which contains this and other informati
ETF Market Trends And 2020 Outlook
ALPS REIT Dividend Dogs ETF (RDOG) A New Equall
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