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Grade 1
Table of Contents
Grade 1
Table of Contents
Student Edition section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Teacher's Edition section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Student Edition
The Student Edition provides a
cohesive grouping of lessons that
foster conceptual understanding
of mathematical skills and concepts
through explicit instruction,
cognitively demanding practice,
and real-world applications.
*Print samples available October 1, 2017.
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Addition Facts and
Strategies Within 10
By the Numbers
♦ Roman numerals are on some
clocks and watches.
♦ Some pages of books are numbered
using Roman numerals.
Grade 1
Table of Contents Grade 1 Table of Contents St
Student Edition The Student Edition provides a c
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Addition Facts and Strategies Within 10
Dear Family, In this chapter, we will be learnin
LESSON 1-1 Name Objective Sums Through 5
PRACTICE Complete the addition equation. 4.
LESSON 1-1 Name Sums Through 5 You use an addi
HOMEWORK Complete the addition equation. 1.
Name Sums Through 6 Asa buys 2 and 4
PRACTICE Match the picture to the addition equat
LESSON 1-2 Name Sums Through 6 An addend is a
HOMEWORK Match the picture to the addition equat
LESSON 1-3 Name Objective Sums of 7 and 8
PRACTICE Draw dots to show the parts. Count to
LESSON 1-3 Name Sums of 7 and 8 An addition fa
HOMEWORK Draw dots to show the parts. Find the w
LESSON 1-4 Name Objective Sums of 9 and 10
PRACTICE Find the sum. Use a ten-frame. 5.
LESSON 1-4 Name Sums of 9 and 10 Ten-frames ar
HOMEWORK Find the sum. Use the ten-frame. 1
Select the correct answer. 5. Choose the ten-fra
Name Related Addition Facts Eva collects 3
PRACTICE Find the sum. Write the related additio
LESSON 1-5 Name Related Addition Facts The add
HOMEWORK Write the sum. Then change the order of
LESSON 1-6 Name Objective Count On to Add
PRACTICE Complete the addition equation. 3. 0
LESSON 1-6 Name Count On to Add You can count
HOMEWORK Show how you count on to add. Write the
LESSON 1-7 Name Objective Problem Solving
PRACTICE 1. Connor plants 7 . Lee plant
LESSON 1-7 Name Problem Solving Act It Out Ste
MORE PRACTICE 2. Olivia finds 3 in the gra
HOMEWORK 3. Delia draws 2 . Then she draws 1
7. Show how you count on to add. Write the sum.
CHAPTER 1 Fluency Name Practice Write
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Teacher's Edition The Teacher's Edition provides
CH Addition Facts and Strategies Within 10 1 Ab
CHAPTER 1 Addition Facts and Strategies Within
Lesson Planner 1-4Sums of 9 and 10 p. 15 Use add
CHAPTER 1 Addition Facts and Strategies Within
Professional Development Math Words add, add
Professional Development (continued) Formative As
Addition Facts and Strategies Within 10
Dear Family, In this chapter, we will be learnin
Sums Through 5 LESSON 1-1 Name Sums Throu
LESSON 1-1Sums Through 5 guided practi
LESSON 1-1 Name Sums Through 5 You use an
LESSON 1-1Sums Through 5 HOMEWORK Complete t
Problem Solving: Act It Out LESSON 1-7 Name
LESSON 1-7Problem Solving: Act It Out
LESSON 1-7 Name Problem Solving Act It Ou
LESSON 1-7Problem Solving: Act It Out MORE
Name Problem Solving Act It Out HOMEWORK
LESSON 1-7Problem Solving: Act It Out HOMEW
CHAPTER 1 Review chapter 1 review (SE p. 35)
Befor e Leaving the Chapter T hroughou
CHAPTER Student Reflection
Print and Digital Components Develop Mathematical
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