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<br /> SCHOOL EDITION GRADE 6<br /> SAMPLER Lesson 1<br /> To learn more or request a sample visit:<br /> www.SadlierReligion.com/SchoolWB<br /> PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK<br /> TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> TO COME<br /> TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> TO COME<br /> TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> TO COME<br /> TABLE OF CONTENTS<br /> TO COME<br /> God's Revelation<br /> <br /> A Prayer to God, Our Creator<br /> Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved.<br /> Leader: O living God, our journey of faith leads us on<br /> the path to you.Your magnificent deeds are<br /> words of strength and hope for us. Open our<br /> hearts to listen to your living Word.<br /> Reader 1: “You formed my inmost being;<br /> you knit me in my mother’s womb.<br /> I praise y<a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 1" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=1"> SCHOOL EDITION GRADE 6 SAMPLER Lesson 1 </a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 2" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=2"> PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 3" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=3"> TABLE OF CONTENTS TO COME</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 4" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=4"> TABLE OF CONTENTS TO COME</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 5" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=5"> TABLE OF CONTENTS TO COME</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 6" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=6"> TABLE OF CONTENTS TO COME</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 7" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=7"> God's Revelation A Prayer to God, Our Creator</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 8" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=8"> W E G AT H E R O God, help us to know you. How do</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 9" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=9"> The patriarchs 2000 – 1500 B.C. God establishe</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 10" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=10"> W E G AT H E R Loving God, teach us your ways. Th</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 11" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=11"> o Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rig</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 12" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=12"> God's Revelation is handed down through Sacred Sc</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 13" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=13"> . Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. The </a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 14" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=14"> W E G AT H E R Your Word, Lord, lights my way. Ho</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 15" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=15"> Together the Old and New Testaments make up the c</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 16" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=16"> LIVE THE GOSPEL Partners in FAITH Saint Jer</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 17" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=17"> Gifted byGod Handed Down through Sacred Tradition</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 18" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=18"> LESSON 1 REVIEW Write the letter of the definit</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 19" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=19"> NEW! Tried a nd True, Enhanced for t</a> <a title="We Believe - Living Your Catholic Identity, School Student Edition, Grade 6 Sampler page 20" href="https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/2fd2b1ec?page=20"> Full Access™ for We Believe and We Live Our Faith</a>