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Best regards
A specialty publication of
A guidebook for people with
disabilities, their families and the
professionals who support them
and Inclusive
page 18
Stepping Stones NH · 2023-2024 1
6 Welfare Recertification
is an Exhausting,
Debilitating Minefield
By Winter Trabex
8 Information on Wandering
By Vanessa Blais
12 Universal Changing Stations
16 By Chase Eagleson 6
In the Spotlight:
Inclusive is Beautiful
By Blake Tyler
18 Making Meetings
Accessible and Inclusive
By Matthew J. Mowry
24 The Importance
of Representation
By Pat
A specialty publication of 2023-2024 A guidebook
Table of CONTENTS 6 Welfare Recertification
Dear Valued Stepping Stones NH Re
Dedication every day Waypoint - providing compas
Welfare Recertification is an Exhausting,
new Medicaid account number with my provider comp
Information on Wandering Safety preparedness for
School or residential sta should also be made
dering and how they may react to being approached
1. Magalloway River Orange and Green Trails 2. P
Courtesy of Vanessa Blais Universal Changing Sta
With this law in e ect in the Gran- ite Sta
without ice skating, visiting a school to watch a
Financial Assistance is Available Sprouting Melo
In the Spotlight Inclusive is Beautiful By Blake
Accessible beauty products Kohl Kreatives Flex
Courtesy of Kate Crary Making Meetings Accessibl
by disabling hearing loss, according to WHO. New
Crary says she provides graphic recording at li
Alliance of Mental Illness about ve years ago. “
ation. e article also points out that “subtitle
C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Building a home library
The Importance of Representation By Patricia Vi
“Inspiration porn” is a term coined by late
Resource Guide The New Hampshire Council on Devel
Information and Referral Services, Guidebooks and
employment, health care and counseling is availab
O ers practice-oriented, values-based graduate st
Resource Guide Family Centered Early Supports an
Employment Work Incentive Resource Center bit.ly/
probate/index.htm 1 Granite Place, Suite N400, Co
services_brochure.pdf Produced by the NH Judicial
les/ehbemt476/ les/ documents2/rapid-response. p
transportation in New Hampshire, including links
Our Missi