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Best regards
2023 ESG Report
Environmental, Social & Governance
Introduction Health, Safety Environmental Social Governance
& Wellbeing
Our Vision, Mission & Values
CEO Message
UN SDG 2023 Highlights
Introduction to ESG
ESG Strategy
Our ESG Champions
02 PM Group ESG Report 2023
Living Safety and Leadership
The Safe Assets Framework
The Safe Assets Principle
Office Committees
Employee Assistance
Programme (EAP)
Measuring our Progress
Carbon and Climate 15
Energy Management
and Renewables
Managing our
Carbon Emissions
Sustainble Project Delivery 18
Enabling the
Net-Zero Transiti
impact. 2023 ESG Report Environmental, Social & G
Contents Introduction Health, Sa
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Envi
04 CEO Message
UN SDG 2023 Highlights We continue to report on
Introduction to ESG We are transitioning from ou
ESG Strategy Our approach to ESG will help us de
Our ESG Champions Our ESG programme is brought t
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Environme
Living Safety and Leadership 140 leaders across P
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Environme
Performance 0.09 DART RATE 0.18 TRI RATE In
Office Committees We recognise that safety needs t
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Environme
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Env
Energy Managment and Renewables We continued to i
Scope 03 03 2806 2806 metric tCO e
Introduction Environmental Sustainable Project
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Env
Client Highlights Sustainable Buildings: Green Bu
Decarbonisation Enabling the Net-Zero Transition
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Env
Introduction Environmental Innovative Facilitie
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing Env
TechTeam Our R&D team continues to collaborate wi
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing S
Graduates - Focus on Gender Balance Graduates rep
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
We supported a variety of charities, organisation
Environmental As we transition our business to Ne
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Spotlight Projects Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Introduction Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Responsible Supply Chain Sustainable procurement
Stakeholder Engagement In 2023, we expanded our S
Our Partners In 2023, we continued to challenge a
Introduction Our ISO Certifications
Thanks for reading our report. For further inform