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Best regards
Welcome to our
Sustainable Living Guide!
The UWE student-led Sustainability
Committee decided to put together this
guide for students, covering various
aspects of university life: sharing our own
experiences and top tips. We hope this
guide helps you explore how you can live
more consciously and sustainably in your
new community.
What is Sustainability?
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing this generation.
The United Nations has set out 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, they are a roadmap to a more
sustainable future, covering and aiming to:
• Fight inequality
INTRO 4-5 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19
Welcome to our Sustainable Living Guide!
What is Sustainability? Climate change is one of
1. Consume Consciously Do you ever find yourself
3. Repair what is damaged Are you quick to throw
make delicious food on a budget. If you don’t fee
engaging with debates and discussing sustainabili
Green energy comes from natural, renewable source
3. Good Energy: 100% renewable electricity, mixed
Transportation is the largest source of air pollu
• Petrol cars release approximately 180g of CO2/k
Everyone contributes to the apparel industry beca
• Three out of five fast fashion items end up in
A great way to reduce individual plastic waste is
• Switching to shampoo and conditioner bars is a
The average menstruator in the UK uses 11,000 dis
Sustainable Options: 1. Organic pads and tampons
Agriculture (and particularly animal agriculture)
Top 8 Vegan/Veggie Eats in Bristol • Oowee Vegan
Food growing is a great way to have control over
2. Community garden The Community Garden is loca
This shares ways in which we can reduce, reuse an
• Use bars of soap instead of liquid soap that
We live in a tech heavy world where consuming new
unhappy with your tech? Does it still work well?
Green Spaces 120 minutes a week in nature is lin
Ashton Court Estate & Deer Park This is close to
Watch our video that outlines our collective
Want to get involed? Email: greenteam@uwe.ac.uk I
Illustrations created by Karima Mannan, BA illust